Former NFL player shares 10 ways sports help with child development

why your kids should play sports
Sports play a huge role in child development. Kids learn many skills that stick with them for life. I was lucky enough to interview a former NFL player, Brian Banks who played for the Atlanta Falcons in 2013. I asked him what he learned from being in sports growing up and if he thinks sports helped him develop into the person that he is today.

I also asked him if he would want his kids to also be involved in sports growing up, he said yes. So, I asked what would be the first sport that he would want them to play.

And this is what he shared …

The importance of SPORTS in Child development

Brian Banks

Brian Bank’s mom decided to get him involved in sports at the age of 7, he joined a youth track league that not only helped him grow athletically, but in life as well.

He played football for the first time at the age of 9, surprisingly he didn’t care for the game much so, he only played for 1 year. Years later, when he entered the 6th grade, he decided to try football again and joined his middle school’s flag football team. But at this time, basketball was his first sport.

It wasn’t until his freshman year that he developed a passion for football. By the end of his junior year, he ranked 11th in the nation as a middle line backer.

During the interview Brian mentioned that he would like for his kid to play any sport that he wants. But he’d rather his first sport not be football. “I think it would be great if my son starts off with track…” he mentioned. “Track would help build my son’s mechanics and familiarity with form”.

Brian also said that sports helped him become the person that he is today. He shares everything he learned from sports, and why he recommends sports for kids too.

Child Development &
Why Your Kids Should Play Sports

Keeps Them Active

By exercising regularly, sports will help your child stay active. It will also help get them into the habit of working out which will lead to a healthier life in the future.

Better Grades

Some school require a minimum GPA to participate in sports. When Brian was in High School the minimum GPA required was 2.0. This taught him the importance of responsibility on and off the field.

Sports Are Fun

Studies show that learning happens best when participating in fun activities like sports.


Sports help children get to know each other since they spend time a lot of time together when working out and playing. Sharing the same passion helps them build trust and develop strong friendships outside the game.

Keeps Them Busy And Out Of Trouble

Brian’s mom had the idea of getting Brian to participate in sports as he was older to keep him out of trouble.


Brian learned so much about people in life when he was introduced to sports because he was also introduced to different types of households and different upbringings.

When you play sports you meet people who were raised different and also people who were raised the same way you were. This gives you the opportunity to see where you stand in life and where you stand amongst your peers.

Work Ethics And Skills

Discipline- The best way to teach your kid simple discipline skills like following instructions or being responsible, is by getting them to participate in sports.

Cooperation- Team work is important and if all players don’t cooperative there is no win. Sports will teach your kids how to work hard to accomplish something.

Dedication- A great work ethic skill to have is dedication. Not quitting and knowing how to focus on the game without distractions is very important. Dedication will help your kids see that hard work pays off.

Communication- A team cannot succeed without communicating amongst each other. Sports will teach your kid how to communicate with each player, which will help him gain the communication skills needed to communicate with others outside the sport as well.

Competitiveness- In order to be successful in life you have to compete with others. Playing in a team will teach your child to win and lose. It will also teach them how to learn from their mistakes and get back up by working harder to compete for the win.

The Question You Should Ask Yourself Before Your Kid Plays A Sport

“The younger your kids join sports, the better, if of course your child has the capabilities and the function skills to participate”, Brian said. Some sports involve contact and kids can get hurt by colliding into each other. So, it’s very important that you do take precautions and ask yourself…

Is my kid mentally and physically prepared to play the sport?

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